LeBron James Posted A Heartfelt Message To Lauren Hill After Her Death

Lauren Hill, LeBron James
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Say and believe what you will about LeBron James. He’s arrogant, not clutch, overrated, and won’t ever be Michael Jordan. Fine. But never question real heart of the Cleveland Cavaliers superstar; it’s always in the place of others, hoping to make a difference.

Lauren Hill, a member of the Mount St. Joseph’s College women’s basketball team whose brave fight to play despite an inoperable brain tumor inspired millions across the country, passed away on Friday at the age of 19. She appeared in five games for the The Mount this season, scoring 10 total points on perfect 5-of-5 shooting.

But Hill’s most meaningful contribution to sports and the world at large is something much greater: A sterling example of strength, courage, and spirit in the face of insurmountable odds. It’s a message that those who know her story will remember forever, and James is among them.

The four-time MVP took to Twitter on Friday with a heartfelt personal message to Hill following news of her untimely death.

R.I.P., Lauren, knowing your incredible inspiration is and always will be eternal.