For anyone hoping that the rumors of a LeBron James-led Space Jam sequel being in the works were true, we’re sorry. They’re not, at least not yet.
According to a feature on LeBron’s SpringHill entertainment company this weekend, a Space Jam sequel hasn’t been seriously discussed in depth yet. However, that’s not to say that the idea is a far-fetched one that will never take shape. In fact, the project is “super on the radar” according to Jamal Henderson, the president of SpringHill.
When Warner Bros. and SpringHill announced it’s multiyear partnership in July, speculation immediately turned to James one day starring in the sequel to Space Jam, the 1996 feature starring Michael Jordan and the cast of Looney Tunes that’s made $90.4 million.
Warner Bros. filed for new Space Jam trademarks, a potential signal for new merchandise for, say, a new movie, but nothing is imminent.
Carter says the movie hasn’t been discussed in detail with Warner, and James couldn’t even entertain that discussion until he’s finished with the Cavs this season at the earliest. Beginning production on Space Jam 2 in James’ limited time this summer would seem virtually impossible.
“It be crazy not to say that it’s something on the radar, it’s super on the radar, but it’s not something we have any news on,” said Henderson, who joined SpringHill in July. “There’s no sort of start on it.”
The piece makes it clear that LeBron’s main focus at the moment is basketball, and that he has little time for very many other side projects away from the game. He hasn’t visited the new SpringHill offices at Warner Bros. studios since they opened in January, and his barren office is basically a room with a couch with a poster that hasn’t even been hung on the wall yet.
However, SpringHill is certainly keeping busy without him. The company is working on several projects, though none of them have yet involved Warner Bros. and none currently feature LeBron as an actor. Those running the ship are focusing on making sure the company survives until James’ playing days are over, when he’ll presumably be able to take on a more active role in Hollywood.
But for now, he has no plans on suiting up for the TuneSquad. That’s certainly good news for Moron Mountain, but disappointing news for those of us stuck down here on planet Earth.