It’s Mark Cuban’s birthday. And apparently to celebrate, he’s considering a move to politics. According to Business Insider, which hit up Cuban on his Cyber Dust app, the Dallas Mavericks owner and Shark Tank star would think about being Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidate.
That doesn’t mean he’d actually do it though.
Via Colin Campbell and Brett Arnold:
“Would I consider?” Cuban responded. “Yes.”
However, the “Shark Tank” star and outspoken investor said he would probably not end up accepting the hypothetical offer.
“Would I do it. Probably not,” he continued. “I’m not cut out for politics. At least [the] way they are now. Maybe in the future if Trump truly impacts how the game is played.”
Cuban doesn’t shy away from speaking his mind, getting out in public and doing just about anything he’s compelled to do. When you are a billionaire and own an NBA team, it’s perhaps easier to come out of your shell a little bit and take chances. And it doesn’t seem as though Mark lacks for self-confidence at all. Which is a good thing. We all should be ourselves as often as possible and wear who we are proudly.
But would potentially being Donald Trump’s vice president be the most absurd thing Cuban’s ever done? Hard to say. Here are just a few of the times Cuban did or said something pretty dang ridiculous.
Sharknado 3
So maybe the politics thing wasn’t so off-base, after all. Cuban played the president in the vaunted and highly anticipated second sequel to the Sharknado series (when we get to Sharkn8do, we really need to consider the possibility of a Fast & Furious crossover).
And Ann Coulter was his vice president in the film, because of course she was. Cuban isn’t a stranger to acting, and him firing guns at sharks should have been more unbelievable than it was. But it’s Cubes. So it worked.
“The NFL Will Implode In 10 Years”

This is something Cuban felt so strongly about, he took to Facebook to make his case and outline his thoughts in a personal essay. His general argument fell into five points: 1. Safety concerns, 2. Player behavior, 3. Oversaturation, 4. Potential decline in popularity of fantasy football, 5. Evolution of TV.
He also repeated the phrase “pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered” a couple times in this post. Which is a very Mark Cuban thing to say a bunch.
Dancing With The Stars
Cuban appeared on Dancing With The Stars way back in 2007 and made it through a few weeks of the show. He apparently even lost 34 pounds there. USA Today revealed way back when that he used to teach disco lessons in college and also gave us this quote from Cuban:
“It’s hysterical what they make me wear. I felt like they had found Ricky Ricardo’s garage sale.”
He hasn’t stopped dancing even though he got eliminated. There was that time he did the Gangnam Style dance.
Attacking The Ref As An April Fool’s Joke
OK, it wasn’t real. But it was still hilarious. Cuban gave the fans one heck of an April Fool’s at a game in 2003 when he appeared to attack a ref (who of course was an actor). The first shove was almost believable, but when the ref shoved back and they started tangling, it was pretty obvious it was a joke.
And the PA announcer gave us the old “APRIL FOOL’S” — although that didn’t stop Mavs assistant Del Harris from getting sucked in. He might not actually attack a ref, but he sure as heck will criticize them.
Definitely, Maybe (Not) Hiring An FBI Agent To Investigate The 2006 Finals
You remember that year, when the Heat won four games in a row even though they were down 2-0 in the series. And Dwyane Wade took a million free throws. And there was that phantom call. Well there was some insinuation last year that Cuban hired an FBI agent to look into the matter.
Via John Canzano of the Oregonian:
Retired FBI agent Warren Flagg, a 20-year veteran of the bureau, said he consulted with Cuban after that playoff debacle. Flagg now runs his own New York-based investigation and security firm. He looked deep into officiating, as Flagg said, Cuban was considering a lawsuit.
“Cuban asked me what he should do,” Flagg said of the 2006 Finals. “I told him, ‘Sue and you’ll win your case,’ but he knew he’d be killing the Golden Goose.”
When asked about his discussions with Flagg, Cuban said: “I don’t remember.”
Cuban clarified his comments (in a tweet that’s now gone), saying “To set the record straight. I have never hired or consulted with any former FBI agents to investigate our 2006 Finals.” Which doesn’t exactly help, especially since Cuban also said on the radio he “talked to a lot of people” with regards to the Tim Donaghy.
So who knows. I wouldn’t put it past Cuban. Would you? He’s certainly done crazier things. And here’s hoping he never stops.