Mark Cuban Is Still Hinting At Running Against Donald Trump In 2020

The thing I love about Mark Cuban is he’s decisive. He doesn’t mess around. You ask a question? You’re getting an answer. Like Wednesday, when a Washington Post reporter asked if he had any plans to run for President in 2020.

“None. None.”

That’s not one but two nones from Cuban. So that puts to bed any possibility of … oh, there was more to that quote? What’s the rest of it?

“But at the same time, sometimes you got to do what you got to do.”

Politics is hedging, so Cuban is ready, it seems. Sure, he’s going at it with the gusto of a person that has to get their tires rotated, but he’s not closing the door. And that’s important, because as the Washington Post will tell you, it’s very important that we find out in 2017 if a sports owner will consider running for the Oval Office in 2020. Have to ask.

“I’m not the ceremonial type,” Cuban also said. “I’m a go-get-[stuff] done type. I’m a grinder, and I don’t know if that’s a good fit.”

Doesn’t he sound like Trump? Like, he’s saying stuff, but it doesn’t make sense? “I’m a grinder. I work very, very hard and get stuff done … not sure if that fits with the job of president.” Many people are saying he works very hard. He’s like the other side of the billionaire politician coin with Trump on the other.

So yeah, Cuban may run for president. He may not. He works very, very hard so that not might be a good fit. How does he not have your vote already?

(Washington Post)