Russell Westbrook Wasn’t Impressed When Chad Ochocinco Challenged Him To A Game Of 1-On-1

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Chad Johncon — formerly Chad Ochocinco — was one of the most dynamic wide receivers in the NFL during his career. But his latest sporting venture was a flag football game in San Jose.

That’s probably why Russell Westbrook wasn’t amused when the former Cincinnati Bengals wideout challenged him to a game of 1-on-1 on Twitter on Monday night. The NBA MVP was challenged — presumably on the basketball court — but that doesn’t mean Westbrook had to take it very seriously.

The original tweet got some attention, including a few people giving it the classic Westbrook reaction GIF to dismiss it out of hand.

It took Westbrook himself a few hours to get back to Chad, but when he did the reply was fairly dismissive.

But Westbrook does ask a good question. Are they playing hoops? Because I think it’s pretty safe to say that Russ has the upper hand here. But if Johnson is looking to play something else, well, that could be more interesting. Rocket League, maybe?

Maybe some kind of runway showdown? Russ is a stylish fella, and Chad never shied away from fashion and style himself. Maybe Chad’s request was merely to bring some solid looks into this world during these troubled times.