Spurs’ Danny Green Takes Inappropriate Selfie In Germany, Then Apologizes

As of this writing, the Spurs are leading Alba Berlin, 81-82, at the O2 World stadium in Berlin, Germany. Earlier in the day, though, sharpshooting San Antonio wing Danny Green got into some controversy while he was sightseeing. Green posted an unseemly selfie to his Facebook from the Holocaust museum and attached a caption to the pic he definitely wishes he could take back.

Green isn’t smirking in the picture and there’s nothing inherently wrong with it until you read the offending caption: “You know I had to do it one time lol #Holocaust.” The LOL in particular isn’t a very appropriate response to a museum commemorating the estimated 6 million jewish people and countless other religious and ethnic groups who were killed during the genocidal horror that was Nazi-led holocaust.

Since then Green has changed the caption to read “A lot of history here, more than you could imagine…very sad/tragic things happened ?#?holocaust? ?#?berlin?”

He’s also issued a series of apologies for the selfie on Twitter:

It’s obvious Green wasn’t overtly trying to offend people or stir up any anti-Semitic rationale behind the photo. He’s changed the caption and issued multiple apologies on Twitter, so we should give him the benefit of the doubt.

Still, the lesson here is quite simple to understand: it’s never OK to write, “lol #Holocaust.”

What do you think?

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