ESPN has struck gold with its Monday Night Football alternate broadcast hosted by Peyton and Eli Manning. While the pair do not go on the air every week, the Manningcast gives fans a look into a game from the perspective of two Super Bowl-winning quarterbacks, along with whatever guests they bring in on a given week.
Now, the Worldwide Leader is bringing the concept to the NBA, and in a bit of news that probably shouldn’t be a surprise, Stephen A. Smith is getting tabbed to host. According to Variety, Smith is scheduled to host four editions of NBA in Stephen A’s World beginning on Oct. 26, with Peyton Manning serving alongside Smith as a co-executive producer.
Per Variety:
When Smith debuts the first of four scheduled “NBA in Stephen A’s World” shows on October 26, he intends to give NBA fans a look at how he watches sports. Viewers will see “a very relaxed format,” he tells Variety in an interview, that will put a spotlight on “how I watch a game, the kind of things that I pay attention to, the kind of things I talk about when I’m just sitting around talking to family and friends.” He will bring on high-profile guests from the world of sports, entertainment, and media.
Additional episodes of the broadcast will come on Nov. 22, Dec. 2, and Dec. 25, while it remains to be seen if more will exist beyond that.