The Gasol Brothers Star In A Non-Alcoholic Beer Commercial

About a month ago, word broke that Pau and Marc Gasol were going to be pitching for San Miguel 0.0%, a non-alcoholic beer based out of the Philippines. As the country’s largest beer producer with a market share of over 95%, San Miguel has been involved with hoops for minute, serving as a senior partner of the Spanish Basketball Federation. So in addition to filming spots with Spanish stars Rudy Fernandez, Sergio Llull, Victor Sada and Felipe Reyes, witness the first time that the Gasol Brothers appear together in an advertising campaign.

In case you need to brush up on your Spanish, Pau’s words translate to this: “To be honest, I can’t recall the number of times I’ve seen my name written everywhere, in all the colors, sizes and types you can imagine, but the one that makes me feel more proud is the name I see on the back of my brother’s jersey.”

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