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Sports fans are notoriously clannish, and sometimes that intense fandom can lead to outrageously inappropriate behavior. That’s apparently what happened after Game 7 of the NBA Finals on June 19. Given the prohibitive cost of attending the game to begin with, you’d think just being there would be enough to placate most people in attendance. But the lesson, as always, is to never underestimate humankind’s propensity for stupidity.
Not long after Game 7, it was reported that a man had fallen over the second deck at Oracle Arena following an altercation and was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Now, more details have emerged about the incident. The man in question, Golden State Warriors fan Salvator Bimbo, told J.R. Stone of KRON4.com that he was, in fact, pushed over the ledge by a Cavaliers fan:
Salvator’s father asks, “you know what happened after game 7, at the Warriors?” Salvator responds, “yes”.
His father continues to ask, “there are rumors out there that you jumped over the ledge is that true?” Salvator responds, “I did not jump. I was pushed by a Cavaliers fan.”
There is still, however no word on who might be responsible, although Bimbo’s father is apparently offering a reward for information that might help identify the man in question. Bimbo has reportedly already had surgery to repair the elbow he injured in the fall and is set to undergo more procedures in the future. Let this be a lesson to all you overzealous fans out there next time you get in a heated argument over sports. The consequences could be dire.