This is a strange combination of heartbreaking and heartwarming. In a new video for The Players’ Tribune, watch Los Angeles Lakers legend Kobe Bryant learn of his torn rotator cuff diagnosis in real-time.
You can see the full video here.
Of special note to us is Bryant’s reaction upon first learning of his injury’s extent. As the doctor uses a model to explain which muscle is torn off his shoulder, you can see Kobe bracing for the worst.
Mamba’s response after an appropriately long and dramatic pause: “Okay.”
Such stoic demeanor throughout this clip makes it obvious that Bryant is already plotting his comeback. The presumably self-written caption under its title does, too: “This is the moment I accept the most challenging times will always be behind me AND in front of me.”
Though the Lakers have yet to officially announce that Bryant will undergo surgery that prematurely ends his season, it’s expected they will in coming days. One thing for absolutely, though, is that Kobe seems a long way from finished despite this latest setback.
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