There’s plenty of star power to go around on Angie Tribeca, from executive producer Steve Carell to lead actor Rashida Jones and special guest stars like Bill Murray and James Franco. But the breakout role has to be Detective Hoffman. While canines have had prominent roles on television before, few have intermingled with humans before quite like Hoffman and his cop colleagues. Here are some examples of his very un-canine like police work.
Cares About His Partner’s Health
Hoffman has a special bond with his partner, DJ Tanner. As such, he’ll go the extra mile to help Tanner keep his health in check.
He Makes A Great Wedding Guest
After work hours, Detective Hoffman can prove himself quite sociable. He’s also got some musical chops, as it turns out.
He’s Knowledgeable In The Arts
Despite his color blindness, Hoffman has a palate for paintings that’s far beyond dogs playing poker.
He Plays Well With Kids
While some in the department aren’t a fan of kids, Hoffman is quite comfortable around them. It probably helps that he has a pup of his own to raise.
Oh, And He Can Drive
Affection for people and the arts is one thing; anybody can be trained in those. But driving a car without a firm grip on the wheel? That’s a feat.
Though He’s Not So Great With Computers
Nobody’s perfect though, and for Hoffman his greatest flaw is a lack of computer skills. Though to be fair, network printers can get very tricky.