‘Ex Machina’ Turns The Turing Test Into The Most Creepy-Sexy Thing Possible

Alex Garland is an author and screenwriter of some of your favorite British genre films of the past decade-or-so, such as 28 Days Later, Sunshine and Dredd. Well, Garland has finally directed his own movie, and it looks to be loaded with style and plenty of promise.

Ex Machina is about a programmer named Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson) who wins a trip to a mountain retreat only to discover that he’s been recruited to be the human component in a Turing Test with a creepy-sexy new artificial intelligence named Ava (Alicia Vikander). A Turing Test is, of course, a test of whether an AI can successfully mimic human thought and personality.

Check out both new trailers below…

Yup, I’m sure this is all gonna turn out great.