The Deadpool festivites on Conan got an early start, just to sort of paint a picture of how completely absurd the entire trailer premiere and film is going to be in the long run. The clip carries the title relating to Ryan Reynolds describing how Deadpool became a reality, but nothing like that happens.
Instead of making conversation about the fans and the leak that created a lot of attention for the film, Conan cuts him off and we go to a scene with Coco on the massage table, getting a panda tear rub down from Deadpool. The merc with a mouth laments the lack of an ass on Conan before heading back to the interview, leaving us waiting for this damn trailer to drop.
That said, if this entire episode is nothing but Deadpool-style absurdity with the fourth wall in shambles, I’ll be pleased. Now I need to get in touch with my panda guy and get some of these tears. My skin is in terrible shape.
(Via Team Coco)