Here’s What It Would Sound Like If Peter Griffin Voiced Chewbacca In ‘Star Wars’

If you ever wanted to find out if you’re a simpleton or not, use this video as a gauge. If you chuckle or giggle like a fool when Peter Griffin’s voice comes in to replace Chewbacca’s in the original Star Wars films, you’re likely just as foolish as I am.

It’s the simplest things that usually work the best, something I’ve said on here before. But it continues to be true and this is short enough that it doesn’t wear thin. You’re likely on your third viewing by the time you even think that it could be getting old — that or me being foolish extends to my thoughts on your enjoyment of the clip. Just do some drugs and stop taking things so seriously.

No matter, it’s good for a quick laugh and likely more than I laughed at Family Guy in years. Now let’s get those prequel episodes under way. Quagmire as Jar Jar Binks, Chris as young Obi Wan, Stewie as Anakin, Meg as that big fish under water in Naboo. You can’t just stop at the original trilogy, Seth MacFarlane! Get to work and include all the American Dad characters that were shipped off to TBS. Even Sinbad…

(Via Movie Pilot and Entertainment Weekly)