Tim Miller Claims ‘Deadpool’ May Have Helped Save His Adaptation Of ‘The Goon’

Aspiring directors, take note. If you want your fledgling flick to get off the ground, all you need to do is first direct a massive, Hollywood smash. Then, you should be able to get your project up and running. It’s really that easy.

Such is the case of Tim Miller, who now looks like he’ll get to make his long-gestating adaptation of the Dark Horse comic The Goon thanks to the runaway, worldwide success of Deadpool, the first feature he ever directed. Deadpool has amassed a $754 global box office haul which means that The Goon, in development for six years now, will likely finally come to fruition.

The issues with The Goon mostly center around the fact that it’s an animated feature not pitched at children, which constitutes a very slippery slope for studios. Even with David Fincher on board as a producer, the project just hasn’t been able to get off the ground. But now that Miller has a blockbuster in his pocket with a sequel already green-lit, his passion project is gaining traction. Miller spoke to Collider about the status of The Goon and its connection to the success of Deadpool:

“If Deadpool shined any light in the direction of the studio, we wanna use some of that light to shine it on Goon. So we’ve been doing a lot of work lately, we did some voiceover last week. I do think that there is a corollary. Deadpool proves it, in a big way, that there is a market for this stuff out there…Goon is very much an action—it’s got a lot of heart, it’s got a lot of comedy, it’s got a lot of similarities to what I think was successful in Deadpool, and so I think it’s not a stretch to compare those two things and say the world is a little more ready than they used to be for this kind of material. In the past, there’s reasons why The Goon wasn’t made, it’s because people were afraid of edgy animation. Now I think that Deadpool has proved that that audience is out there in a bigger way than some people thought.”

So, if you’re down with a movie version of the popular comic and want to see its heroes fight off a bunch of supernatural, enemies, it looks like you’re time is about to come. And you can thank Deadpool for that.

(via Collider)