James Gunn Explains Why Baby Groot Didn’t Want Drax To See Him Dancing


If you wondered why, at the end of Guardians Of The Galaxy, Baby Groot stopped dancing once Drax the Destroyer looked his way, we now have an answer that amounts to more than, “Because it’s funny, doofus.”

Director James Gunn explained the scene on Doug Benson’s “Doug Loves Movies” podcast.

“There was actually a scene that we cut from the movie where big Groot was dancing to ‘Livin’ Thing’ by ELO. […] And it wasn’t such an elaborate dance. It was more that he was just moving up and down like this, and Drax was dismissive and gave him this look like he was a loser when he did that. […] Dancing is ludicrous to Drax. I don’t think he understands it. If Drax owned a town, if he was a mayor, the first law would be no dancing. But yeah, so at the end of the movie, little baby Groot didn’t want to get caught dancing, because he would kill him.” (transcribed by ComicBook)

Star-Lord needs to teach Drax about a great hero named Ke-vin Ba-con who taught a whole village the virtues of dancing.

Anyway, the earlier dancing scene was cut, but we can see why Gunn kept the last one. He mo-capped himself doing the dancing for that scene, so he could get it just right. Also, how could you delete something this cute?

You’re welcome.

Via ComicBook

Now check out…

Deadpool’s 10 Best Fourth Wall Breaks

by Andrew McDonalds

10. Deadpool Vol. 1 #65

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Udon

This one is more Nostradamus than fourth wall break as when this was published, “Wolverine: Origins” and the “Deadpool” movie had yet to be announced, let alone have Reynolds’ name attached to it.

9. Deadpool Vol. 1 #43

Writer: Christopher Priest Artist: Jim Calafiore

I’ve always wondered who put that signpost there in the middle of an asteroid belt. And how it’s in English.

8. Deadpool Vol. 1 #56

Writer: Buddy Scalera Artist: Karl Kerschl

It will NEVER be not amusing to poke fun at Liefeld and his love for ridiculously over-sized weapons.

7. Deadpool Vol.1 #28

Writer: Joe Kelly Artist: Pete Woods

For some reason, no one else has quite as many memorable moments with Wade as Bullseye does.

6. Deadpool Vol.1 #26

Writer: Joe Kelly Artist: Pete Woods

How long has it been since covers told us what the comic inside was actually about?

5. Deadpool Vol. 1 #67

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Udon

This panel gets a giggle out of me every time I see it.

4. Deadpool Team-Up #885

Writer: Tony Bedard Artists: Claude St. Aubin & Scott Hanna

Deadpool literally tears through the flimsiness of his own story in order to reach the resolution. I don’t know if that’s brilliance or writer’s block.

3. Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Released by Capcom

Deadpool literally assaults his opponent with their own health and hyper combo bars. Then he mouths off at Capcom and (in other videos) mocks the player’s skill level. I almost bought the game just for him.

2. Deadpool Vol. 2 #4

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Paco Medina

You know what I said earlier about Liefeld and big guns? Well that goes double for his love of pouches.

However, coming in at number one with what is probably the ultimate form of breaking the fourth wall is….

1. Deadpool Vol. 1 #34

Writer: Christopher Priest Artist: Paco Diaz

This scene has always struck me as a bit creepy. Maybe it’s the pseudo-voyeuristic look on Wade’s face as he realizes what his existence adds up to.

… And there you go! Deadpool’s 10 finest instances of breaking down the barrier between story and reader! I seemed to have remembered an old cover where Deadpool drops a duffel bag with the note “Every good idea Joe Kelly ever had” down the drain, but in my hours of research, I failed to locate it. 10 Internet points to anyone who can find me the image and prove I’m not as loony as I think I am. Until next time!