The Always Bizarre And Wonderful Jeff Goldblum Hints That He’s Joining A Superhero Universe

My boyfriend Jeff Goldblum will be back in movie theaters this summer with Independence Day 2 (we really are back in the 90s, aren’t we?). Lucky for us, he stopped by MTV News to talk to about it, as well as to hint that he’s going to be in some upcoming superhero movie, all while rocking the salt-and-pepper hair and beard look, with a leather jacket, and of course, his signature glasses (nobody wears glasses like Jeff).

Here’s the link to the MTV video interview, which is sadly not embeddable. When interviewer Josh Horowitz says of Independence Day 2, “All good things come to those who wait,” Goldblum goes off on a perfectly Goldblum-ian tangent: “Who said that? That’s a beautiful phrase. I like all manner of say–phray–you know, of wisdom, of–what’s that called? You know… Sayings, you know.”

Then he and Horowitz banter about not being able to make a horse drink water. How can you not love this man?!

But you’re here for the superhero talk. All right. “You’ve met with Marvel or DC. It has to have happened,” Horowitz says, when asking him if he’s joining a superhero movie. “Uh, I can say very little… right now,” Goldblum says with a faux-British accent. “But you might be onto something.” When Horowitz asks him which universe he prefers, Goldblum mumbles, “What’s the difference? They’re both comics franchises.” There’s a lot of hemming and hawing in that sentence, and an adorable sneer.

Oh, and he hasn’t been in touch with anybody working on the next Jurassic World, but that’s ok. He had a “nourishing experience” on the two that he was in.

(via MTV News)