The Cast Of ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Prepare For Action In Eye-Popping New ‘Empire’ Covers

The Dec. 18 release date of Star Wars: The Force Awakens draws ever closer, and Empire is helping keep hype levels at a fever pitch with a set of six new Star Wars covers. Of course the regulars (Daisy Ridley’s Rey, John Boyega’s Finn, Han freakin’ Solo) score covers, but there are some slightly outside-the-box choices as well. Scroll down to check them all out.

First up with the two real stars of the movie, Rey and BB-8, posing on a dune as TIE Fighters close in behind them. Uh, guys, cool pose and all, but you might want to consider rolling your asses on out of there.

Next up, the somewhat under-the-radar character Captain Phasma. For those not keeping up with their stormtroopers, Phasma is played by Brienne of Tarth herself, Gwendoline Christie.

Finn, making his way through a dark and snowy forest we’ve seen featured prominently in the trailers.

Oscar Isaac’s Poe Dameron looking rugged as hell.

This movie’s Darth Vader-alike, Kylo Ren.

And finally, Han Solo and Chewbacca, because you’ve gotta keep us old-timers happy. Speaking of which, shouldn’t Chewbacca have some gray fur by now? I suppose Wookiees live a long time, but still, Chewy’s seen some sh*t, man.

Of course, Empire‘s Star Wars: The Force Awakens coverage goes beyond pretty covers. The latest issue, which hits newsstands Nov. 26, includes interviews with pretty much everybody involved in making the movie. You can subscribe to Empire here.

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