Chance The Rapper has had a busy few weeks back in his hometown of Chicago. First he rocked a headlining set at Lollapalooza, where he reunited with his former friend turned foe and fellow Chicago-native Vic Mensa. Then, he began preparing to be the grand marshal for the historic Bud Billiken Parade, announcing he was giving away 30,000 backpacks to kids in the city. To top all of that off, Chance threw a free concert after the parade, handing out tickets all over the city and if that wasn’t enough, he treated the fans in attendance to one last surprise: Barack Obama.
Yes, the former president delivered a video message to the crowd, encouraging Chance’s Chicago fans to strive to achieve their dreams, reminding them they could do “anything that you want to as long as you put your mind to it.” Barack also paid respect to Chance for all of his humanitarian work in Chicago as well, saying “Chance, I’m grateful for everything that you’ve done on behalf of the young people back home.”
This is hardly the first time the Obamas have given Chance a nod of respect, as Michelle delivered an impressive speech in Chance’s honor at the BET Awards this year as well.