R. Kelly’s Atlanta Homes Were Burgled And Cleaned Out By An Employee While He Was On Tour

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TMZ reports that both of R. Kelly‘s Atlanta homes were cleaned out by burglars while the singer was on tour in New Orleans over Thanksgiving weekend. Apparently, a part-time employee named Alfonso Walker allowed three other men to enter the homes and remove Kelly’s valuables, including his furniture and electronics.

Police spotted the three leaving one of the houses in a van and brought them in for questioning, where they rolled over on Walker, who they say advised them to sell everything because Kelly was moving to Chicago. Police obtained a search warrant for Walker’s home, where they recovered some of the stolen property and Walker gave conflicting accounts of just how all of R. Kelly’s stuff ended up in his house.

The Atlanta Police issued an arrest warrant for Walker after he failed to turn himself in Tuesday.

Meanwhile, R. Kelly is likely fed up with dealing with the authorities for the time being as his name has been in headlines a bunch himself recently as numerous women have come forward with harrowing tales of bizarre treatment as part of an alleged “sex cult” that apparently prompted some of the women’s parents to ask the police to look into Kelly’s activities.