Lil Dicky’s “Freaky Friday” song and video was already controversial – and now it’s inspiring even more drama. The Virginia Tech women’s lacrosse team is under fire for excitedly screaming the N-word while reciting the track from the polarizing rapper. The song annoyed many because the concept of “Freaky Friday” is Lil Dicky turning into Chris Brown and wondering if he can say the N-word. He then has Chris Brown belt it out in just about every context you can think of. Dicky might have thought he was being clever by having Chris Brown actually sing the part – as Lil Dicky (?), but the whole thing mostly made him look extremely tone-deaf.
The Lady Hokies lacrosse team arguably looks just as bad in the clip, which sheds new light on the oft-asked question of how white people privately interact with music that uses the N-word.
“This is a teachable moment,” Sung told the Roanoke Times. “It’s not something that we’re proud of. The team is very apologetic and sorry. There’s nobody of any color that should say it. Period. There’s nobody that should say it.” Apparently, the coach decided that for the Black community as well. There’s no word, currently, on whether the team will be disciplined for the incident.