‘Doctor Who’ Has A Rumored New Doctor And The Feedback Is Decidedly Mixed

This weekend, Doctor Who kicked off its latest season starring Peter Capaldi as The Doctor and welcoming new companion Bill Potts, portrayed by ray of humorous joy Pearlie Mack. This isn’t just a standard season though (as standard as any of them are with all the timey wimey twists and turns) as it will be the last for Capaldi in the lead role as well as Stephen Moffat as the program’s showrunner. While the next showrunner is well in place at this point, the next Doctor hasn’t been publicly revealed just yet.

However, there are rumors swirling about the next casting, with 44-year old Kris Marshall now at the top of the list of possible replacements. According to reports from The Mirror, Marshall is such a likely replacement that British betting house Ladbrokes has taken him off the board. The actor would be a more outside-the-box choice coming off of Capaldi’s theatrical yet thoroughly emotional run, but the rumor may have some merit seeing as Marshall left his current job on Death in Paradise earlier this year.

If the rumor pans out, fans of the long-running Sci-fi series might not be overjoyed about the decision. Based on reactions from the rumor leaking alone, they would not be happy at all.




The most important piece of information to arise from the latest rumors and interviews though, is the fact that Peter Capaldi has already filmed his death scene but hasn’t filmed the Christmas special yet. Doctors usually regenerate during the Christmas special, and that disparity could be easily explained if Capaldi was simply switching the role over to the new actor or actress during the season proper. But he also claimed he’s coming back to the Christmas special as well, so there’ definitely something wonky going on here. Everything will be explained in due time, including who the next Doctor turns out to be.

(via The Mirror)