This Week in Superhero Movies: ‘Thor 2’ adds more Loki as ‘Kick-Ass 2’ opens

We took last week off in order to cover the superhero-heavy presentation at Disney’s D23, so there is plenty of cape and cowl news to report this week, starting with the revelation that “Thor: The Dark World” is adding more of Tom Hiddleston as Loki. Meanwhile, casting rumors about some of Hollywood’s biggest upcoming superhero flicks continue to circulate as ‘Kick-Ass 2’ opens. All this, plus Terry Gilliam’s “Watchmen”??

Will Edgar Wright’s pal Simon Pegg play the title hero in Marvel’s Phase 3 movie?

“Thor: The Dark World”
Director Alan Taylor explained to us why he shot additional scenes featuring Tom Hiddleston as Loki (Hint: Because he’s awesome). Fans outside of the U.S. will get the first look

“Captain America: The Winter Soldier”

The cast and crew gave away some details at last week’s D23 expo. 

“Kick-Ass 2”
Although it couldn’t top “The Butler” (or 2010’s Kick-Ass” for that matter), the sequel is off to a decent start at the U.S. box office.

“Iron Man 3”
Get a sneak peek at the Marvel sequel’s DVD/Bluray release with a brief Robert Downey Jr. gag reel and a deleted scene featuring Ben Kingsley. 

Mark Wahlberg’s “Iron Man”
Would you like to see the “Departed” actor take over for RDJ?

“The Wolverine”
Anna Paquin almost returned as Rogue in the spin-off. Dang. 

“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”
Fans will now have to wait two extra months to see the Michael Bay reboot’s take on the green heroes. 

“Chronicle 2”
Screenwriter Max Landis explores what could have been.

Terry Gilliam’s “Watchmen,” George Miller’s “Justice League,” and more
It’s all part of Drew McWeeny’s fascinating “near-misses” gallery

Check it out below: