Punk bands are rarely invited to play on late-night TV shows, let alone metal and hardcore bands, so it was something special to see Knocked Loose on Tuesday’s episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live!.
The group performed “Suffocate,” a heavy track from You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed To (one of the best albums of 2024), with special guest Poppy. There’s pyro, a moshpit, and Jimmy Kimmel becoming the first Oscars host to said the words “Knocked Loose.” As one fan wrote on X, “there was just spin kicks on national TV. knocked loose is the best band in the world.”
You can watch the video of Knocked Loose on Kimmel above.
“[Knocked Loose] is just heavy music for normal people,” singer Bryan Garris told New Noise. “We’ve never played a character or wore a costume. I tweeted one time as a joke, but the meme of Knocked Loose is just some guy. If you just put us in a crowd of people, you’re not going to pick us out. And I’ve always wanted it to be that way. Especially when things started to grow, it was very important for all of us to maintain accessibility and to remain humble.” He added, “My biggest fear is people thinking that I think that I’m better than anybody because of the success of Knocked Loose. We’re just normal guys.”