Amazon’s New Store In NYC Only Sells Four Star Products


It’s been widely-accepted that customers are more inclined to rate items they buy online if they’re crappy. Had a bad experience? Get on the site and give the item/site/venue a terrible rating to get some sort of revenge. Well, those ratings might mean more now than they ever have before — especially on, as the company announced on their blog that their new store, appropriately named Amazon 4-Star, will only stock items that customers have rated four stars or above, on average, and is a top seller, new, and trending on

The idea is that the store will be a “direct reflection” of its customers, taking customer reviews to a new level by literally only featuring products that have been, in a way, crowdsourced through ratings. So far, the average rating of all the products in the store is a 4.4. The store is set up to mimic the site, with sections for “Most-Wished-For” items that have most frequently been added to Wish Lists, “Trending Around NYC,” with items that people in the area are buying most frequently, as well as “Frequently Bought Together” and “Amazon Exclusives.”

Customers are essentially shopping in a real-life website, but this time, you get to see items before you order/buy.


Prices on digital price tags are the suggested prices, but Amazon Prime customers will still receive a moderate discount, and yes, you can do like we all do and sign up for the 30-day trial in-store to get the member discount. (Get those burner emails ready!)

Amazon 4-Star is now open in SoHo on Spring Street between Crosby and Lafayette Streets.