Every holiday season, millions of dollars are spent marketing the latest and greatest products that will be a must-have under the Christmas tree. These same products will likely be outdated by the time the next season rolls around, so the cycle continues on. More marketing, more want and less need, but plenty of giving. In a lot of ways, it’s giving that doesn’t need to be given. To quote the great Michael Scott, “presents are the best way to show someone you care. It’s like this tangible thing that says ‘hey man, I love you this many dollars-worth.'”
Generally speaking, consumers consume, and marketing towards the products that no one really needs but everyone wants has become a science. We all love cool stuff we don’t need, but from the mouths of babes comes truth, and that’s where six-year-old Alex and his family comes into this heartwarming Christmas tale.
Hailing from Bakersfield, California, little Alex started asking questions about the local homeless population. He wanted to know more about them, and if they had enough to eat and stay warm. His mother answered honestly – they would not have much to eat, and they didn’t have many clothes to wear. Alex wanted to help, but his parents continued their hard-hitting truths by telling Alex that if he wanted to help, he could forego some gifts from Santa.
He stated simply, “OK, we’ll help them out.” And so the #AlexGivingChallenge was born. His mother, Michelle Hovater, shed some light on her parenting skills that have led to altruistic Alex:
“We tend to want to give our kids everything. Growing up with that sense of entitlement and that sense of ’I want, I want, I want,’ we kind of lose sight of what Christmas and what giving really truly is.”
And with Alex’s help, we were reminded of the true meaning of Christmas. Now if only these wonderful people could film these wonderful acts in the correct aspect ratio.
(Via MTV News)