If You Missed Burning Man 2016, We’ve Got The Photos For You


Another successful Burning Man has come and gone. It swept past us like a dust storm through Black Rock City. Unfortunately, for those of us who couldn’t make it this year, it looks like we missed out, big time. We were left grinding while sun-kissed, dust covered Burners danced across the playa — from the temporarily constructed airport to Rod’s road. If only us non-Burners saved a little more, got on the tickets a little faster, and made the efforts to hop on a plane to get to Black Rock City by any means necessary, maybe then we’d be in these photos, rather than just appreciating them.

This go-round, Burning Man 2016 looked every bit as Mad-Max-with-yoga and dusty/sexy/cool as last year. The dependable oddities are all accounted for while new wonders are clear and beautiful. Now, we understand that you’re most likely checking out this photo-diary to see some side-boob or tech-bro-with-chiseled-jaw. That’s all well and good. But maybe you’re scanning to see what you missed out on and, if that’s the case, let’s get proactive, let’s start working toward experiencing the Playa first hand.

Read the ten principals and get polished up on the first timer’s guide, start saving a few bucks a day. Let’s make this sh*t happen. If you have an inkling to get there, use these photos as inspiration rather than armchair party-going. This time next year, we expect you to be rinsing playa dust from anywhere and everywhere with a (potentially drug induced) ear-to-ear smile on your face.











