I’m not a complicated individual, some marijuana and good snacks go a long way in dissolving the frustrations of my day away. But I have a real addiction problem to a certain little sinful habit I haven’t been able to kick from my younger days. My vice dissolves your teeth, messes with your metabolism, and delivers a crash that can send you straight into an ill-timed nap. The sinful kiss of this drug has caused me to believe it’s an essential part of meals, relaxation, and a go-to friend in times of frustration.
I’m talking of course, about the sweet sweet drug that is Coca-Cola. Nothing quite grabs my attention like the pop of a freshly opened can of Coke.
So when I hear that Coca-Cola has set their sights on the cannabis drinks market, everything else comes to a grinding halt. The President of the United States said what this morning? WHO CARES. He’s always saying something crazy, it’s not every day that something beautiful like the marriage of my favorite drink and my favorite after-work diversion come together to create something this (potentially) beautiful.
But if you’re hoping that a can of Coke will give you more than a sugar-high, you’ll just have to keep hoping — Coca-Cola is only openly interested in CBD infused drinks. CBD or Cannabidiol, is the non-psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, used for treating ailments like inflammation, localized pain, anxiety, and surely touted as a cure-all by somebody you know. It doesn’t get you high.
After news broke of Coca-Cola’s interest in the herb-infused drink game, stocks for Aurora Cannabis, Canada’s third-largest pot company, climbed in a hurry. Is this sign of a collaboration to come between the two companies? Maybe, though in a statement to Bloomberg Coca-Cola spokesmen Kent Landers said “We are closely watching the growth of non-psychoactive CBD as an ingredient in functional wellness beverages around the world… This space is evolving quickly, no decisions have been made at this time” and declined to comment directly on Aurora’s possible involvement.
Still, if you like Coke and are a CBD believer, chances are you’ll get have a drink that somehow simultaneously hypes you up and relaxes your tension in the same sip before too long. Shouts to Coke for getting back to their mysterious drug origins.