To protest a law that would allow license holders to carry a handgun on campus, students at the University of Texas in Austin are strapping “gigantic” dildos to their backpacks. It’s called Cocks Not Glocks, and the objection is in response to Texas Gov. (and BBQ idiot) Greg Abbott signing “S.B. 11” into law earlier this year, which “authorizes individuals with a license to carry a concealed handgun on campuses of public institutions of higher education.”
On the Campus (DILDO) Carry event page, organizer Jessica Jin wrote, “The State of Texas has decided that it is not at all obnoxious to allow deadly concealed weapons in classrooms, however, it DOES have strict rules about free sexual expression, to protect your innocence. You would receive a citation for taking a DILDO to class before you would get in trouble for taking a gun to class. Heaven forbid the penis.” Sounds like a Morrissey song.
Pro-campus carry advocates have said allowing concealed handguns on campus will enable people to defend themselves in the event of a live shooter, while those against it say it makes little difference and could even add to the chaos. (Via Chron.com)
The Facebook page has since been flooded with negative comments, which the organizers are leaving up “to show the kind of aggressive hostility open carry zealots display when they find out they’re being mocked,” according to Raw Story. Here’s one: “So, is a dildo going to protect you from the next crazed, unbalanced democrat to shoot up your campus?” And another: “And the decline of western civilization continues unabated… You leftist trash will be the death of us all.” Jin has also been doxxed.
The law doesn’t go into effect until Aug. 1, 2016. The protest will take place later that month, on Aug. 24, at which point gun nuts will wave their handguns in the air while dildo fanatics will do the same with the ISIS flag.
What could go wrong? Make dildo love, not gun war.
University of Texas students protesting open carry gun law with open carry dildo protest http://t.co/7Eds5kVvTn pic.twitter.com/ipc7qfSmNk
— Cory Doctorow @pluralistic@mamot.fr (@doctorow) October 11, 2015
(Via Houston Chronicle)