Apple is famous for its clean, uncluttered design, in both software and hardware. However, it’s really hard to monetize clean, uncluttered design, so Apple is going to start filling your app search with ads. And that’s not the only change coming.
The first major change to the App Store in years is coming, and it’s going to make people grouchy. The good news is that Apple will not be spamming you with ads. That said, these will be paid search ads, so if you look for something, you’ll have to scroll past a bunch of ads for apps that paid for your eyeballs, instead of the app you most wanted to see.
A bit more worrying is that Apple is allowing developers to create subscriptions. And, in fact, Apple is rather heavy-handedly making it clear they want apps to have subscriptions. Currently, apps have a 70/30 split with Apple, where they get 70 percent of the take and Apple gets the rest. But have your users subscribe to your app for a year, and that becomes an 85/15 split. In other words, get ready for the apps you love to suddenly have subscription features they’ll push hard, with incentives that evaporate after a year.
Why is Apple doing this? iPhone growth appears to have plateaued, so they’re hoping to get more cash out of current users. On the bright side, this will benefit developers who have something worth buying in subscription form. As for the rest, well, think of all the room you’ll free up on your phone! That’s a positive, right?
(via Mashable)