Peeing in the shower may sound gross (even though we all do it), but it’s important that you read this before you immediately start defending yourself against the presumed accusation that you’ve ever unleashed your bladder while shampooing your hair — peeing in the shower is good for your wallet and good for the Earth.
Here’s the deal: According to Mic, flushing your toilet isn’t as harmless as you might think. In fact, it accounts for up to 27 percent of the water Americans use per year. Sure, that means your toilet bowl is clean and happy, but it’s also kind of a waste. Depending on the type of toilet you have, each flush could send 1.6 to 7 gallons of water swirling down the pipes, never to be seen or heard from again.
In 2014, students at England’s University of East Anglia campaigned for their school’s 15,000 pupils “to take their first wee of the day while having their morning shower,” according to the BBC. Over the course of a year, the school would save enough water to fill 26 Olympic-sized swimming pools, according to the students’ calculations.
In addition, Mic reports that you could be saving a roll of toilet paper every 50 days if you just gave up the commode and took up peeing while getting clean. Of course, if you truly want to make a difference, you’re going to have to pee at the same time as you wash. Those of us who have experience with bath time urination know that sometimes you start peeing, and the next thing you know it’s 20 minutes later, and you’ve wasted most of the water in North America.
(Via Mic)