Thought you were going on a diet right away in 2018? SIKE!
Pizza Hut is effing up your fitness resolutions pretty hard by pricing every single pizza at half off for their first deal of the new year. That’s correct; any pizza ordered online or via their online app will be priced 50% off — even the specialty pizzas — of any size. The offer lasts for the first week of the year, January 2-8, and is perfect for such a time as this — when everyone is either sick of leftovers, snowed in their homes, or frozen in place at home until it’s time to go back to work.
Carryout and delivery are included in the deal, so if your resolutions are financial for 2018 you’re stoked (if they’re diet related, you’re in trouble). It helps that the rest of the menu does not apply for the half-off first-of-the-year sale, so at least you won’t be tempted to include wings, soda, dessert, or any other delicious add-on Pizza Hut offers regularly. Or maybe that we just reminded you that Pizza Hut offers all these things and now we’ve ruined your first resolution entirely.
It’s okay either way, though. We already liked you just as you are.