The Police Are Now Getting Involved With ‘Pokemon Go’ By Blasting Players With The ‘Pokemon’ Theme

Pokemon Go has made itself known throughout various different avenues of society in only a short amount of time. It started as a thing where people were laughing while capturing creatures in their toilets or inside of their ovens. Then it grew into some sort of reason to claim that society was healing, bringing people together, solving our ills. And finally it entered the political realm, something that should’ve signaled its end.

But it didn’t and we’re here now in a Pokemon Go world, the pocket monsters in control and the people just blindly overtaking parks, museums, and public bathrooms. If only the Mongol horde had Pokemon Go at their disposal, they could’ve avoided that whole “flinging plague ridden corpses over the city walls” thing.

Now the police are in on the fun, like this San Diego officer who decided to blast Balboa Park’s many Pokemon hunters with the Pokemon anime theme song over his loudspeaker. As detailed in the description, this officer is apparently one of the good guys:

This is a cool cop guys, he actually wasn’t trolling us and was just showing his support!!!

San Diego Police Officer Blast pokemon theme song to thousands in Balboa park 11pm 7/14/16. Pokémon go, Also heard he came back and gave out some donuts to people in the park.

That’s all it takes. Maybe Pokemon truly is the route to peace. Has Nintendo released this in the Middle East yet?

(Via Reddit / JASON WIVART)