Jack in the Box is, without a doubt, stoner food. Curly fries? Those weird tacos that are repulsive to think about but delicious to eat? Oreo f*cking milkshakes? All stoner food! If you’re ordering those completely sober, you’re not doing it wrong, but you’re not doing it right either! Jack in the Box knows this, it’s why they have a whole category of combos known as ‘Munchie Meals,’ and now they’ve teamed up with the most stoned stoner of all time: Snoop Dogg for a celebrity-branded Munchie Meal known simply as ‘Snoop’s Munchie Meal.’
Conceptually speaking, I love it! I loved it before I even knew what was in it! As soon as I saw the first Snoop’s Munchie Meal poster on the JiB window as I was driving by, I immediately bookmarked it in my mind as perfect work material. I cover a lot of different areas at Uproxx, fast food, cannabis, tequila — but never before have two of my beats overlapped so perfectly. So I couldn’t just try the Munchie Meal, I had to try Snoop’s Munchie Meal the way it was intended to be tried: completely stoned.
So I did just that, I picked up Snoop’s Munchie Meal, took a handful of hits of this weed through a Pax 3 vaporizer, and recorded my initial thoughts as I ate each element.

The weed in question is CBX’s Blewtooth, an Indica strain with 30% THC content that is no f*cking joke. I have a lot of thoughts about the different elements, but I’ll begin each with my initial stoned impressions, which I recorded into my phone.
Before we do that, a bit of info on Snoop’s Munchie Meal: The meal is available now at participating Jack in the Box restaurants nationwide until August 6th and sells for $14. That’s a lot of money for a single meal from Jack in the Box, but this meal features four different items and is easily shareable between two people, so our best advice is to split it unless you’re incredibly hungry (or high).
Snoop Dogg’s Munchie Meal

Spicy Sauced And Loaded Chicken Sandwich

Stoned Thoughts and Tasting Notes:
It’s a hot dog! Oh, no, I’m wrong, it’s a chicken strip in a hot dog bun. Why is it so creamy? Why does it smell so damn sour? Have I made a horrible mistake? Nothing about this makes me want to eat this… thing, even after being stoned out of my mind. Or maybe it’s because I’m stoned. I can keep talking if it means not having to eat this thing.
Biting into it, there is a lot going on. It’s dry, as you might expect a chicken strip in a hot dog bun to be, but JiB loads it up with white cheese sauce, Good Good sauce, and Ranch which helps to make it more palatable but very salty and tangy.
Bacon bits provide a smokey top note and as a whole the sandwich ends with a lingering spicy finish.
Sober Thoughts:
There is a lot going on with this Spicy Sauced and Loaded Chicken Sandwich, which as far as I know, is a menu item exclusive to this meal. Props to JiB for making something new for Snoop’s Munchie Meal!
I like that this sandwich (yes, I consider a hot dog a sandwich, even if said hot dog bun has a chicken strip inside of it) presents itself as what it is — it’s spicy, sauced, and loaded. I was too stoned to notice that the sandwich also has some of JiB’s regular fries thrown in between the bun. A nice touch, even though I didn’t notice.
Crunchy Taco

Stoned Thoughts and Tasting Notes:
Snoop Dogg and JiB could’ve given me a box of these and I would’ve been happy. Sick to my stomach, but happy! What can I say about the JiB Taco that hasn’t already been said? It’s weird, features some sort of mystery meat that I’m not sure is even technically meat, there is a slice of American cheese in here, which somehow feels insulting at this very moment, and features a weird watery taco sauce along with lettuce that tastes like it has straight up been microwaved, which is to say, warm, flavorless, and slime-y.
Do I actually like these things? Yes, one thousand times yes. Biting into this greasy taco I’m reminded that it just hits a spot like no other cheap taco in fast food. Aside from, you know Taco Bell. And Del Taco. F*ck it, give me all the bad tacos, I’ll eat them all!
Sober Thoughts:
I don’t know why I said a box of these would make me happy, it wouldn’t have. JiB’s Crunchy Tacos are impossible to look at fondly when you’re of sober mind. Everything in me tells me, don’t eat that taco. Just to be clear, the Munchie Meal only comes with one taco, not two, and I still think one is one too many!
I’m sure I’ll order JiB’s tacos again in my life, but if I have the option to pick anything on this Jack in the Box menu, this would be my last choice and if I was eating this meal sober I think I’d ask if I could substitute it for something else.
Curly Fries

Stoned Thoughts and Tasting Notes:
Hell yea! Onions, garlic, black pepper, fun shape, I love curly fries. Couldn’t have chosen a better side to these other two indulgent menu items.
Sober Thoughts:
I was too stoned to remember to take a photo of the curly fries and the taco. Don’t do your job high, folks! We all know what curly fries look like though, so I’m not too broken up about it. These were great, and hands down one of JiB’s best menu items.
Every munchie meal should come with an order of curly fries!
Baked Brownie

Stoned Thoughts and Tasting Notes:
Holy shit, this is a straight-up hot brownie that feels freshly baked. Contrary to its name, it is not a “baked brownie,” in the sense that this brownie isn’t high. Why doesn’t every fast food restaurant have hot brownies on hand? The chocolate chips are melted and the brownie is moist and packing waves of rich chocolate-y goodness.
The perfect way to close out this Munchie Meal, the most munchie worthy!
Sober Thoughts:
I’m pretty sure JiB just threw this brownie in a microwave, I don’t know why I thought because it was hot it was freshly baked. It was a damn good brownie though.
The Bottom Line:
Snoop Dogg’s Munchie Meal doesn’t disappoint, it delivers on the concept, this is perfect stoner food.
It’s way too much food though, I think when you’re stoned and you have the munchies, your eyes tend to be bigger than your stomach. Even high out of my mind, I found eating the entire meal incredibly difficult.
So I think this is perfect to share, but if you’re stoned and flying solo, you’re probably better off picking up a large order of curly fries, and that delicious brownie.
Find your nearest Jack in the Box here.