Is There Anything More Beautiful Than Tokyo’s First November Snowfall Since 1962?

You may have been eating turkey and arguing with family members (sorry, hope you’re okay) last week, but the people of Tokyo were doing something a little different (although there were still probably arguments): They were celebrating the first snowfall of 2016 and Tokyo’s first November snowfall since 1962. That’s 40 days earlier than usual according to The Japan Times.

Fortunately for us, residents and tourists alike did not let this opportunity go to waste. Instead of standing around and offering very chill and informed opinions about how this means global warming isn’t a real thing — because, look, snow, in November — they grabbed their phones and documented the hell out of this unique occasion.

As House Beautiful points out, the last time snow fell this early JFK was President and Bob Dylan had just released his first record. It was also the year The Beatles failed their audition for Decca, the year that the Navy SEALS were established, and the year that Fidel Castro — who died over the weekend — was excommunicated by the church. That may seem like a lot, but imagine if it doesn’t happen for another 40 years and people in 2056 have to go back and talk about what happened in 2016.

Won’t we show them!

In any case, enjoy some beautiful pictures: