Willie Nelson talked a bit about his new job on Wednesday night’s episode of the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon — he’s named himself the Chief Test Officer of Willie’s Reserve, his marijuana company. Considering the singer-songwriter has been smoking weed for about double the time I’ve been alive, I trust him to get the job done. But Willie, if you’re reading this (and he is) just know, I am also available for the position.
While discussing the latest special issue of Rolling Stone on weed, which features a great cover photo of a smiling Willie surrounded by smoke, Willie mentioned of the strains he encounters at his new job, “I haven’t run across any that I didn’t like!” We bet. Willie also mentioned that marijuana saved his life, which is normally met with an eye roll but in his case, it sounds like there is a lot of truth to that.
“I used to smoke two or three packs of cigarettes a day and drank whatever there was there to drink and I had pneumonia for or five times, my lung collapsed, I almost died, so I said, ‘wait a minute, I ain’t getting that high off of Chesterfields’ so I throwed out the cigarettes, rolled up 20 joints, stuck it in there, and I haven’t had a cigarette since” Willie said, followed by a round of applause.
According to the American Cancer Society, almost half of the deaths from 12 different types of cancer are attributable to cigarette smoking and include cancer of the liver, colon and rectum, lungs, oral cavity and throat, esophagus, larynx, stomach, pancreases, bladder, kidney, cervix, and acute myeloid leukemia. The American Cancer Society recognizes that while some of the same harmful substances can be found in marijuana growth, scientists have reported that THC and other cannabinoids slow crown and or cause death in certain types of cancer cells.
So get a gram or two of legal weed ASAP and maybe also try to become an international recording star so that you can one day have your own weed brand and name yourself chief tester.