In a followup to yesterday’s story about Seth Rogen’s comments about American Sniper — namely how the movie reminded him of the fake Nazi propaganda film in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglorious Basterds, which was also about a sniper — the actor is trying to explain his comments that were included in several roundups about the very mixed response to Clint Eastwood’s war drama. Basically, he’s telling us all to chill out over this because he never actually compared American Sniper to Nazi propaganda, not even fake propaganda:
I just said something "kinda reminded" me of something else. I actually liked American Sniper. It just reminded me of the Tarantino scene.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) January 19, 2015
I wasn't comparing the two. Big difference between comparing and reminding. Apples remind me of oranges. Can't compare them, though.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) January 19, 2015
And maybe it was a slow news day:
But if you were having a slow news day, you're welcome for me giving you the opportunity to blow something completely out of proportion.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) January 19, 2015
I regret nothing. I like Seth Rogen, but I also like pointing out crazy behavior on Twitter, especially when it applied to getting all worked up over nothing. They’re like the mysterious plastic baby of the internet — I can’t look at them without wondering and giggling. “Hahahahahaha, but seriously what’s going on here???”
Speaking of that, Sarah Palin is talking again…
Source: AV Club