Sigourney Weaver is starring in the upcoming Chappie, which hits theaters in two weeks — about the self aware robot who has to save mankind or something. But what’s more important is that last night on The Tonight Show while promoting the film, she talked to Jimmy Fallon a little bit about that potential new Alien sequel with Neill Blomkamp — which is almost definitely going to happen.
Apparently Weaver met Louis C.K. the other night, who like everyone else is excited about a new Alien sequel. Although he’s not exactly known for action-thrillers, C.K. asked if he could somehow be killed off in the new Alien in what one could only assume would be a horribly gruesome fashion, to which Weaver replied that she’s “sure something could be arranged.”
How great would that be? Like in the middle of the new Alien movie, Louis C.K. is just like some rando statistician or somebody who comes out to warn everybody about the aliens, carrying a clipboard and wearing like a white lab coat and glasses, and then he promptly gets mauled by an alien after delivering like one line. I would pay to see that.