In some ways, Batman V Superman isn’t your typical superhero movie, and that includes the fact that it explains surprisingly little. In fact, you might walk out of the theater with a bunch of questions. So, we’ve got a few answers, with, obviously, plenty of spoilers.
Seriously, if you want to leave unspoiled, go forth, and carry proof Batman is a master of verbal as well as martial combat with you:
Still here? Great! Let’s start with the ending and the biggest spoiler in the whole movie.
What’s The Deal With The Floating Dirt?
During the very last shot, you may have noticed that some dirt starts floating off Superman’s coffin. Remember, a side effect of Kryptonian technology, and power use, is sudden loss of gravity in the area. As this movie roughly follows the Death of Superman comic arc, we won’t be surprised if Justice League has a visit from a particularly nasty piece of Kryptonian technology called The Eradicator.
So, What The Heck Was Lex Actually Going On About At The End?
Jesse Eisenberg decided to play Lex Luthor as somebody clearly unhinged and yet rich and powerful enough to get away with it. And he seems to have an utter rambling collapse at the end of the film, talking about how Batman can’t unring bells while the camera panned over an ominously flipped painting.
It’s vague, of course, but if we’re going by Batman’s prophetic visions and a really creepy deleted scene, Lex has apparently been in contact with the one Superman villain even more dangerous than Doomsday, Darkseid, ruler of the planet Apokolips and basically evil concentrated into a statue in a blue metal suit. In the dream sequence/potential flash-forward in the desert, we see Parademons, Darkseid’s shock troops, and an Omega symbol, which is a theme of Darkseid’s.
Is Batman Seeing The Future?
This dovetails nicely with another question: Is Batman having premonitions of the future? We see Ezra Miller as the Flash wearing a strange power armor and urgently telling Batman that Lois is the “key” to something. We assume that this will be explained in Justice League, but it’s an intriguing question in the meantime.
What The Heck Happened In Batman’s Past?
This is really the biggest question mark. In fact, if you pay attention, there are a lot of signs something went very, very bad for the Batfamily in the recent past. The entire Batman/Superman rumble takes place in what’s clearly an abandoned GCPD building, complete with a Bat signal they didn’t bother moving, and the entire area around that building is abandoned to boot. Whatever happened, it was bad, and it appears to have permanently soured Gotham City on both its pointy-eared vigilante and millions of dollars in waterfront real estate. Also telling is that nearby Rikers Island, normally a prison in the DC universe, is completely uninhabited.
Nor do we know the deal with Robin. It’s pretty clear that he had a bad moment with the Joker, of course. But which Robin is dead, and does it have anything to do with Wayne Manor? Are there any other Robins around? Would one of them be Scott Eastwood?
Why Does Wonder Woman Want That Photo?
A surprisingly large chunk of this movie is dedicated to Batman and Wonder Woman flirting and heisting. Wondy appears to be after a photograph of herself and her buddies in World War I. She seems to want it simply because she’s chosen to step away from humanity, but clearly there’s some emotional pain there, as well, which we’ll learn about when Wonder Woman arrives next year.
There are plenty more questions of course, because they’d like you to show up for every DC movie coming out over the next five years. But for now, we’ll just have to discuss these particular questions.