If, by some magical chance, you haven’t gotten enough of Captain America: Civil War related news just yet then, this is your lucky day. Fresh off the news that Marvel may truly be committed to making a Black Widow movie and the release of the film to a combination of good box office results and critical praise, the internet has given us an 8-bit version of the movie’s original trailer. If you haven’t seen it yet, one version of Cap has already been given the honest trailer treatment. This parody trailer is less of a spoof on the most recent movie though and instead brings Captain America back to the days when lateral movements and the jump button were every video game-loving kid’s best friend.
The 8-bit treatment even includes the trailer’s dialogue as pop-up bubbles just like vintage video games. The set up of most Marvel movie trailers are basically glorified cut scenes anyway, so the 8-bit treatment is a perfect fit. Cap and Bucky should definitely have been woken up in the ’90s instead of the new millennium so that every movie could include a video-game style showdown between them and their enemies. A suggested name for the next movie in the series? Captain America: Street Fighter Redux. Plus, Chris Evans still looks just as good in a pixelated format as he does in real life. As if that is a surprise.
(Via JoBlo Movies)