Now that Daniel Craig has confirmed that he’ll wear the tactical turtleneck one more time, Bond 25 just needs a title, and a script, and a song, and a Bond Girl(s), and a villain. But hey, at least it has a director. While at a screening of FX’s new series Trust (which he directed) on Wednesday, Danny Boyle confirmed that he’s working on the first James Bond film since 2015’s Spectre.
“We are working on a script right now,” Boyle told Metro New York. “And it all depends on that really. I am working on a Richard Curtis script at the moment. We hope to start shooting that in six or seven weeks. Then Bond would be right at the end of the year. But we are working on them both right now.” (The Curtis script refers to his untitled-comedy with the writer of Love Actually.)
Boyle (who I assume only introduced himself as Boyle, Danny Boyle now) was light on specific details about Bond 25, although he did offer that he and John Hodge, who he previously worked with on Trainspotting and The Beach, have a concept in mind. “We’ve got an idea, John Hodge, the screenwriter, and I have got this idea, and John is writing it at the moment,” he said. “And it all depends on how it turns out. It would be foolish of me to give any of it away.” It’s about time the Bond franchise got a Bollywood dance number.
(Via Metro)