Oh Hi, Kate Upton! ‘The Disaster Artist’ Adds Model To Its Cast About ‘The Room’

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According to The Hollywood Reporter, model and actress Kate Upton has been added to the cast of James Franco’s The Disaster Artist, which chronicles the production of Tommy Wiseau’s infamously bad movie The Room. The film is based on the novel of the same name written by Tom Bissell and The Room co-star Greg Sestero that details Sestero’s experience working on the movie with the oddball amateur filmmaker Wiseau.

The Room has risen in the ranks of legendary “so bad they’re good” movies over the last decade to the point where it’s become a phenomenon of merchandising and special midnight screenings, with crowds that quote along with the film a la Rocky Horror Picture Show events. Upton has become a phenomenon in her own right in the modeling world and has expanded out into films with roles in The Three Stooges and The Other Woman in recent years.

Shooting on The Disaster Artist is beginning this week, and the film also stars James Franco as Wiseau and Dave Franco as Sestero, plus Seth Rogen, Josh Hutcherson and Hannibal Buress with a script by The Fault in Our Stars writers Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter