“Chewie, we’re probably seeing home for the first time together, but I don’t want to be presumptuous because I just met you,” is probably what a line out of the Han Solo Origin movie, slated for a May 2018 release, won’t be. Disney is officially whittling down actors to play the dastardly-yet-lovable smuggler, with the following four actors completing screen tests last week.
Alden Ehrenreich

Jack Reynor

Taron Egerton

Emory Cohen

It’ll be strange to see someone other than Harrison Ford play Han, but the actor who finally lands the part of the iconic space smuggler will have is own take on a young Han Solo, and we’re going to have to accept it as the new norm. We’ll love this Han forever and ever, knowing the wonderful adventures he’ll go on. Then, we will unceremoniously dump him the moment he reaches the age Harrison Ford was when they filmed A New Hope. After that, we’ll force him to play youngish Indiana Jones.
Or, Disney will want to keep the never-ending adventures of Han and Chewie in rotation, and the Han Solo character goes on to become a James Bond-like prestige role, and Jabba will never catch him.
(Via EW)