Harry Potter, a fantasy book series about wizards and merpeople that culminated eight years ago, is still riling religious extremists. An evangelical mom rewrote J.K. Rowling’s novels to get rid of all the annoying magic, and now, a wacky pastor would rather let children die than read or watch Harry Potter. While speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, which sounds like a BLAST, Kevin “Not Ron” Swanson said Americans should “repent that Dumbledore emerged as a homosexual mentor for Harry Potter.” Because, as everyone knows, Harry turned out gay.
That’s how homosexuality works. It’s science. In Des Moines, at least.
Swanson wasn’t done. He also went after How to Train Your Dragon for having a gay character, and that if his children, ages 6, 7, and 8, watch any of the Harry Potter movies, “it would be better for them that a millstone be hanged around their neck and they be drowned at the bottom of sea.”
Even Slytherin wants nothing to do with this fiery bigot, who describes himself as a “father, pastor, radio-host.” He’s also written 10 books, including such classics The Tattooed Jesus and Apostate: The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West. I’d rather my future children drown than read any of them.
Sorry, Sex Machine Kurp (name pending).
(Via Mashable)