Like George Clooney, Harvey Weinstein thinks there’s an obscene amount of money in politics. He told MSNBC’s Morning Joe in April (below) that he’s with Hillary Clinton in this bizarre presidential election, even as his daughter and her friends were supporting Bernie Sanders. As the race has come down to the once-friendly Clinton and Donald Trump, the Hollywood producer has made it clear that he is especially against the bombastic real-estate mogul and reality TV star.
On Monday night, as we were all fanning ourselves after watching the particularly steamy red band trailer for The Weinstein Company’s Hands of Stone, he reminded everyone just how much he’s against Trump at the premiere for the Roberto Durán biopic, which stars Edgar Ramirez, Robert De Niro, and Usher. Specifically, Weinstein challenged Trump’s previous comments about Mexicans:
“This movie is written by a Latino, directed by a Latino and starring Latinos. Even Robert De Niro and Usher turned Latino for this,” he told the SVA Theatre crowd. “They’re all gonna be deported if Trump becomes president.”
With Beyonce, Jay Z, Rosie Perez and Priyanka Chopra in attendance, the Weinstein Co. head also made sure to thank the event’s sponsors, including The New York Times: “Thank god — the way they’re burying Trump, I’m going to take 10 subscriptions!” he said to loud applause.
Jonathan Jakubowicz, who wrote and directed Hands of Stone, also said the movie will help change and possibly even defeat the “Latino stereotype” that has actors playing drug dealers and rapists. Hands of Stone, he says, is the story of “a Latino boxer who overcame all his demons and became an inspiration for an entire people.” Also, he might have had a lot of sex.
Hands of Stone punches theaters on Aug. 26.
(Via the Hollywood Reporter)