Harvey Weinstein Will Likely Spend The Rest Of His Life In Prison Following His Latest Sentencing

Harvey Weinstein and his mangled testicles will likely spend the rest of his life in prison. On Thursday, a Los Angeles judge sentenced the disgraced Hollywood producer to 16 years behind bars for rape and other sex crimes; that’s on top of the 23 years the 70-year-old is already serving.

“The sentence follows Jane Doe 1, whose testimony prompted the sole guilty verdict from jury, suing Weinstein in February for rape and false imprisonment, among other claims,” according to the Hollywood Reporter. She alleged that Weinstein forced her to “perform oral sex on him before pulling her into the bathroom to rape her” at a hotel in Los Angeles in February 2013.

“Before that night,” Jane Doe 1 said about her encounter with Weinstein (who reportedly smells like “poop”), “I was a very happy and confident woman. I valued myself and the relationship I had with God. I was excited about my future. Everything changed after the defendant brutally assaulted me.” She urged the court to issue the “maximum sentence allowed” and that there’s “no prison sentence long enough to erase the damage” that Weinstein caused.

Weinstein faced two counts of rape and five counts of other types of sexual assault. He pleaded not guilty to all charges against him. In June, a New York appeals court upheld a 23-year sentence following his conviction of committing a criminal sexual act in the first degree and third-degree rape.

If Weinstein serves the entirety of his sentence, he’ll be 109 years old.

(Via the Hollywood Reporter)