Is Will Smith Still Making An ‘I Am Legend’ Sequel With Michael B. Jordan?

When the Earth crumbles and humanity disappears, it should at least comfort you to know that Shrek will always be there for you just like he was for Will Smith in I Am Legend. The post-pandemic outbreak zombie movie follows Smith as one of the few survivors in a desolate New York City, where his only company is a dog, Fred the mannequin, and Shrek. But it looks like he’s finally getting some more friends for a sequel!

In 2022, it was announced that Smith (currently starring in Bad Boys 4) would return as Robert Neville in a sequel to the 2007 movie, which was based on the Richard Matheson book of the same name. Michael B. Jordan is attached to both star and co-produce with Smith.

Jordan recently confirmed that the movie is indeed on the way. He told People, “We’re still working on the script and getting that up to par,” he continued. “It doesn’t have a release date or anything like that. I’m not sure exactly where we’re going to be filming that one, but I’m really excited to get in front of the camera with him [Smith].” He added, “I’ve looked up to [Will] for a really long time, [so] to be able to work with Will is something I’m really looking forward to. I’m really excited.”

So, there’s not information available, but it’s definitely in the works, and this time, screenwriter Akiva Goldsman says that will be taking inspiration from the controversial alternate ending. “We trace back to the original Matheson book, and the alternate ending as opposed to the released ending in the original film,” Goldsman said last year. “What Matheson was talking about was that man’s time on the planet as the dominant species had come to an end. That’s a really interesting thing we’re going to get to explore. There will be a little more fidelity to the original text.”

Smith is also ready to jump back into the story with a fresh story. “We had a couple weeks together about a month ago. I think it’s looking good,” Smith recently told Entertainment Tonight. “[We have some] really solid ideas… I think we’re going to make it on screen together.”

Hopefully by the sequel, Smith’s character has found a copy of the Shrek 2 DVD, for his own sanity.