J.K. Rowling Confirmed The Fate of Fluffy And Other Lingering Harry Potter Questions

A few Harry Potter fans with lingering questions about the series had their questions answered by J.K. Rowling herself for Harry Potter Book Night, including whatever happened to Hagrid’s three-headed dog.

February 5 was the first soon-to-be-annual Harry Potter Book Night, hosted by Bloomsbury Publishing. The event encouraged fans of the book series to “banish the midwinter blues” by introducing a new generation of readers to the world of Harry Potter, and author J.K. Rowling joined in the festivities by answering a few fan questions on Twitter.

The first question was about the fate of Fluffy, Hagrid’s three-headed dog. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, he was the first guard for the Sorcerer’s Stone, also known as the Philosopher’s Stone. He never made another appearance in the series, and one fan was very concerned about his well-being, particularly during the battle at Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. They didn’t need to worry, though, as Fluffy was nowhere near the battle.

The second question was regarding why Sirius Black’s family, who despised Muggles, would buy a house right in the middle of a Muggle housing complex. The answer is, quite simply, a great house trumped their prejudices, and they didn’t exactly acquire it by ethical means.

Finally, she answered a question about Harry being the final Horcrux, which has been floating around Tumblr for quite awhile. From her response, it’s clear that this isn’t the first time she has been asked this question, but she is really hoping it will be the last.

In regards to her last answer, Rowling is correct. Harry is not killed by the poison from the Basilisk. Fawkes, Dumbledore’s phoenix, cures Harry with his healing tears, so he did not die and could not have broken himself as a Horcrux. There are a lot of Harry Potter theories worth speculating over, but this is not really one of them.

Rowling also took the time to thank her fans for supporting the series and Harry Potter Book Night because she’s classy like that.

Via The AV Club