The whole idea of an unorthodox, mind-bending mashup of Men in Black and the modern Jump Street series was almost too good to be true. When it initially leaked out it turned some heads, because really, who would even imagine such a thing? The idea of 23 Jump Street/Men in Black was ludicrous, but Sony was apparently moving forward with the idea, even going as far as to attach a director to the project. They even came up with an utterly ridiculous title for the sequel mashup, MiB 23.
But now, according to EW, Jonah Hill seems to think that Sony has cooled off on the concept and that it might not actually happen.
“They’re trying to make all the deals, but it’s kind of impossible with all the Men in Black stuff,” he said. “The Jump Street films were so fun to make, and the whole joke of them was they were making fun of remakes and sequels and reboots, and then now it’s become a giant sequel, reboot. It’s almost become what we were making fun of, and it’s hard to maintain that joke when it’s so high-stakes.”
So while the boys will undoubtedly be back for a third installment of Jump Street, the chances of it involving Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones erasing memories and battling the forces of evil seems like a shimmering mirage in the veritable desert of sequels-to-come. The conundrum here is that if they were able to make a deal with the Men in Black series, they could use their mind erasers to make us all forget about it, but then they’d actually be able to make the movie. Without the rights the world will have to lament and pine over what could have been, not what will be.
(Via EW)