Joss Whedon acknowledged the foot he put in his mouth last week when he angrily tweeted about a new clip from Jurassic World. Just in case you need a refresher, here’s the offending tweet from Friday:
Considering the clip’s content and Whedon’s known feminism, the tweet makes perfect sense. Still, the writer/director acknowledged his wrongdoing at the Avengers: Age of Ultron premiere. According to Variety:
“I shouldn’t have tweeted it,” he told Variety. “I don’t ever say things about other people’s work that are negative. That’s bad form. It’s not what a gentleman would do.”
Despite his acknowledgment, Whedon hasn’t deleted the tweet and refuses to do so:
“I forgot that I don’t do that because I was frustrated. I felt like I was seeing something that was problematic. What I said is pretty clear, but I think it was the wrong venue for me to be saying that. That’s dinner party conversation.”
It’s a gentlemanly thing for Whedon to admit he was wrong, but it takes even more to leave it up for all of social media to see. Plus he kinda sorta wasn’t wrong.
(Via Variety)